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   Gene sequencing platform

Gene sequencing platform takes DNA sequencing instrument as its core system. United Gene Group possesses variable sequencing instruments, including 377, 3700, MegaBase, 3130xl, etc. Most of them are made by AB Inc.,. As the largest company in the area of biological sequencing, AB Inc., is the largest supplier for the instruments in the Human Genome Project, most of world's research institutes, such as Harvard Medical School, adopted its instruments. The 3030xl is authorized Registration Certificate for Medical Devices by China FDA.

DNA sequencing technique could be used in testing all the known and unknown genome sequences, it has the international testing standard of Human Genome Project. United Gene Group carried a large-scale testing of novel full-length genes in human genome based on the platform. It also applied for national patent for more than 3000 human novel full-length genes while international PCT patent for more than 100 human novel full-length genes. Sequencing is the golden standard of gene test and it is always the important ways for United Gene Group when carrying out variable tests.

Gene sequencing platform
Bio-Door microarray gene chip platform
Bio-Plex 200 flow cytometric bead array chip platform
GenomeLab SNP Stream gene typing platform
Illumina BeadArray gene expression profiles study and gene typing platform
Real-time Q-PCR and gene typing platform
Gene sequencing platform
3130xLSTR testing platform
Bioinformatics analysis platform and gene database
United Gene International Holdings Group Limited
Tel: +852-25986818      Fax: +852-25986818